Change is a word that is very laxly used in everyday life; but what is the true definition of the word “change”? The word change is a verb that means “something that is made different, or replaced”. Every being, a human, an animal, or even a plant, goes through a change sometime during its life. Change can be used to address a child forming into a young adult over a period of time, or a small caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Although change can be a helpful and valuable occurrence, it can also be very detrimental. Change can cause arguments, disagreements, conflicts, feuds, etc. between living beings. This leads to the question, “Is ‘change’ a good thing or a bad thing?”
There are two kinds of change that were previously mentioned, good change and bad change. When something changes, it is either for the better or for the worse. Usually when something changes for the better, it initially starts out as a problem. When something changes for the worse, it is usually unintentional, and just seems to fall to pieces. Whether it is good or bad, change cannot fully satisfy every person, place, or thing involved.
A modern day example of change that cannot please all parties involved would be Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and his campaign slogan, “Change for America.” Before he became president, Republican, George W. Bush was the President of the United States. Barack Obama campaigned and believed that he could help change America for the better. The relentless promotion of Obama’s “Change” campaign won him the duty as the President of the United States of America. Of course this victory was voted on by the people of the United States. The registered Democratic Party supporters voted for Obama, and the registered Republican Party supporters voted for his opponent, John McCain. When Obama was elected president, this did not satisfy the Republican Party because their representative was defeated.
Change is an overall good phenomenon. When someone says the word change, what do you think of? When some sort of change is called for, it is to make an enhancement or an improvement. Not a single being or thing would make a change to be worse than what they already were in the first place. Change always occurs to solve a previous hindrance. If an entity made no mistakes and was so superior, would there be a need to change?
It is not the actual change that causes concern, but rather, it is the effect of the change. Even if the change is thought about before making the decision to follow through with it, the outcome is undetermined until the change is put into effect. Making a change can be the cause of many different outcomes, sometimes good and bad.
Good change can take place from a previous wrong-doing or mistake. For example, if you get a bad grade on a test, you will change your study habits, so next time you will make sure you receive a better grade. Good change customarily causes all parties involved to be content and pleased with another’s decision to change. Good change can bring people, places, or things closer together as well. Going back to the example, if you improve your grade from the previous test, it makes your parents at ease knowing that you are improving.
Making a change for the better may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but you may regret that decision in the long run. For example, you decide to change the face wash that you are currently using because it is causing your skin to become dry and flaky. You purchase a new face wash that claims that it will make your skin look healthy and refreshed in just one week. You begin using the new product, and it makes your skin look healthy and refreshed just like the box said it would; no more dryness! However, on the seventh day, your face begins to breakout and become filled with acne. This change was appropriate for the time being but only lasted for a brief period of time.
Change even occurred in the Neolithic period, too! In the Early Bronze Age, approximately 3000 B.C., there was a culture at the Indus Valley, called the Harrapan Civilzation. They were based in two major cities in modern-day Pakistan called Harrapa and Monhenjo-Daro. The area where the Harrapans resided was occupied in full by deserts and hills, with one river running through the center. The coasts of the river were where the ancient cities were formed for obvious reasons. It was a simple route for the necessities of everyday human life; bathing, eating, and drinking. Along the river, the Harrapans created city-wide public sewer facilities. This allowed people of the civilization to use the bathroom in some form of toilet instead of going in the river, their main source of water, or on the fields, which they used for agricultural purposes. The Harrapans were also very talented in agricultural work because they had time to focus on it, for their food and shelter were already secured. The intelligence of the Harrapans caused the establishment of the toilet system, which is still in use during modern times. What if it wasn’t for the Harrapans’ invention of the toilet? We would still be using the land to use the bathroom. Their invention changed the way we live today. Since the Early Bronze Age, toilets have been modernized, and more inventions have been made based off the original creation of the toilet.
The simple, six-letter word, change, can be the initial step in creating a plethora of new creations. Many things have changed over time, just like the toilet. Both Neolithic and modern day inventions have been enhanced because of change. As inventors continue to embark on new ideas, they will continue to beneficially change the way things are made. A change is always made not to worsen matter, but to improve and enrich prior discoveries.
"LongstoneIsleofWigh." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 28 Jan 2010. <>.
"LongstoneIsleofWigh." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 28 Jan 2010. <>.
While there is a lot of good information in this essay, the structure is confusing and the lack of MFA citation gives little support to your argument and thesis.
ReplyDeleteI see this as a good rough draft that would deserve a good second go-through.