Wednesday, April 21, 2010


5. REQUIRED DAILY: Creative Writing Assignment -- write a short horror story about an invisible killer that devastates a community. (Inspired by the Black Death).

Once upon a time, in a small town called Fantasma in the year 1169, a boy named Richie was walking home from school one day.  Richie was only in the 6th grade, so it probably wasn't the best idea that he be walking by himself.  As Richie was talking home, he heard a faint noise from the bushes.  He approached the bushes as if it was simply a squirrel rattling the leaves; little did he know, it was nothing close to a squirrel.  He bent over to look in the bush and a force from behind threw Richie's entire body into the bushes.  He looked around and saw nothing.  Richie cut his knee open, but thought nothing of it.  He got right back up and continued his journey home.  When Richie arrived home, he began to feel some sort of painful bumps on his left arm and right leg.  He didn't tell his mother, thinking that the bumps were from the fall into the bushes.  Richie showered and went to sleep. The next morning he woke up and noticed more bumps all over his entire body.  Richie was covered from shoulders to toe in oozing, green bumps.  He began feeling very alarmed but still did not mention a word to his mother.  How did she not notice? His clothes covered all the strange bumps.  When Richie arrived at school, he sat next to his friend Tim in art class.  Tim pulled up Richie's sleeve and noticed the horrific, pussing bumps and shouted, "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Richie ran out of the room crying, and when he returned, the whole entire class was covered from head to toe in these mysterious bumps.  The teacher immediately called the nurse into her classroom, but by the time the nurse arrived, the teacher and all the children had fainted and fallen to the ground squealing of anguish and despair.  It was only a matter of minutes before the green bumps infested the whole school.  By the end of the day, the whole middle school had been gone.

Scientists have studied the case of mysterious, green bumps that infected the middle school children.  They have come up with the conclusion that this disease was called Muerte. It is a flesh-eating virus found in Holly Branch bushes, which just so happened to be the bush that Richie was pushed into.  Once Muerte is transmitted to one person, if he or she comes in contact with another person, or if anyone breathes the same air as the infected person, he or she will decease within 4.53 minutes.  As technology advanced, Muerte is a treatable condition.

As for who pushed Richie into the Holly Branch bush, is still a mystery.  There was nobody around Richie when he was thrusted upon the bush, which leaves the question: Are ghosts real? Why would someone want to hurt and innocent child, and an entire community?  These questions shall remain a mystery for the rest of eternity.

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