Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2nd Punic war- notes

  1. Hannibal's father, fought Romans in Spain
    • Made Hannibal take pledge that he would hate the Romans forever
  2. Hannibal took his entire army and war elephants with him to go fight
  3. Crossed into the Alps of Italy and landed fighting into Rome
  4. Rome sends its best generals, 60,000 troops, to face down Hannibal at a  place called Cannae
  5. Romans outnumbered Carthaginians on the battle field
  6. 60,000 Romans die in the battle, greatest military defeat in the history of  Rome, and the world.
  7. Hannibal gets as far as 50 miles from Rome and wins the major battles  but cannot win the big war, so never lays siege to the city of Rome
  8. Winds up battling against the Romans in a place called Zama
  9. Hannibal attacks first and sends in war elephants
  10. Romans came up with a plan to stop the elephants
    • Romans let elephants come in when they charged, Romans blew  horns to scare elephants and send them into the Carthaginian line
  11. Zama is the decisive battle and the Romans are victorious
  12. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus defeats Hannibal in the battle of Zama

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