- Augustus runs a Principate government
- Augustus isn't flashy or showy like other emperors, he is modest
- Christians wouldn't pay taxes, Romans killed them
- PRIMA PORTA AUGUSTUS- famous status of Augustus
- Augustus is standing like a god
- Cupid is at his foot riding a dolphin (symbol of Venus)
- used as political propaganda
- On his chest plate, there is the story of how they got their standards back
- Augustus is the son of Julius Casesar
- SPQR is the abbreviation of Rome
- Terrible battle at beginning of his reign where he lost two of his legions
- Augustus' family name is Julei
- Livia's son was Tiberius
- a very cruel man, exiled out of town
- threw slaves off of balcony
- After Tiberius, comes in Caligula
- liked to watch murders
- tried to have his horse a senator
- had romantic relationship with his sister
- assassinated
- Then comes Claudius
- shy and anti-social
- decent emperor
- deformed at birth
- After him comes Niro
- Niro was a nutcase
- obese, fat man, sloppy
- burned down Rome because he wanted to build a park
- put a naked statue of himself
- committed suicide
- Vespasian comes along and takes over rule
- no non-sense, Roman, military man
- opposite of Julei
- going to whip Rome into shape
- Son's named is Titus that takes over
- knocked down statue of Niro and built the Colosseum
- Arch of Titus to celebrate military campaigns
- inside the Arch, carving of people holding menorah because Romans were occupying Jerusalem
- Romans destroyed Jewish temple (Wailing Wall) http://images.google.com/images?rlz=1C1CHMA_enUS345US345&sourceid=chrome&q=wailing%20wall&safe=on&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=w
- After Titus dies, Domitian rules
- tough guy, cruel, jerk
- many major building complex, bath complex http://www.biocrawler.com/w/images/c/c3/Roman_bath_at_bath_england.jpg
- got assassianted
- "Good emperors"
- Nerva 96-98
- He changes the way that emperors were chosen
- Trajan 98-117
- Military genius
- Chosen by Nerva
- Went to war against the Dacians
- Trajan's column http://ikangaroo.com/wp-content/uploads/iKImages/Trajans%20Column.jpg
- Hadrian 117-138
- Chosen by Hadrian, considered one of greatest Roman emperor
- poet, philosopher, statesman, architect, loved the arts
- has a beard because he wanted to be like Greek philosopher
- Antonius Pius 138-161
- Marcus Aurelius 161-180
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Augustus- notes
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